Episode 171: Emily Shupert



Way back in January I sat down with today’s guest and as I was editing the episode, I found myself talking about things that I was journaling about and working on this very morning. My friend, Emily Shupert, joined me around my table. She is licensed professional counselor and founder of a boutique counseling and coaching company here in Atlanta called Simplify Life Counseling + Coaching. She is the author of the book The Happiness Map which was written to offer women a personalized navigation tool to find happiness in life right now.

Emily and I have an honest conversation about anxiety (including postpartum anxiety), fear and shame and how that affects us as women. We also turn the table and I step right into the hot seat of vulnerability and allow Emily to ask me some personal questions about fear. This conversation is full of practical and helpful advice—I know you are going to enjoy it. 

Emily Shupert.png


Links mentioned:

Survival Kit:


  • “The road to happiness is simple but it’s not easy.”

  • “Anxiety can isolate. It’s the hamster wheel in our head.”

  • “Should brings shame.” 

  • “Fear aren’t facts.”

  • Be the boss of your anxiety.

  • When you feel big emotions ask:

    • What am I feeling?

    • How intense is that feeling?

    • And what are 1 or 2 things I can do to either stay at this number or go down a little bit?

  • “Anxiety overestimates negative outcomes and always underestimates our ability to prevent and problem solve.”

  • “Nobody wants the imposter you.”

  • What can you do today to normalize failure for yourself and your kids?

Small Group Questions:

  • What is the carrot that dangles in front of you that promises happiness? How do you feel when you finally catch it? Does it last?

  • Do you ever get caught in the “when this happens, then” trap? How does that make you feel?

  • What could happiness look like right now? What would it look like to choose happiness?

  • Have you ever felt like you struggled (or do struggle) with anxiety? What tends to trigger your anxiety?

  • In what ways does social play into your own anxiety?

  • If you followed your feelings, where would they lead you?

  • What “shoulds” do you tell yourself? How does it keep you stuck?

  • Looking back, what are the things that brought you the most joy over the last 10 years? Were they planned or unexpected?

  • What is one thing you can do today to work on your fear, shame or anxiety?

(Amazon affiliate links used when possible--purchasing through these links is an easy way to support the show. Or shop using www.SurvivingSarah.com/amazon and a portion of the what you buy will go back to the show.)

Connect with Emily:  Instagram // twitter // Facebook // Website

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