Episode 22: Joni Lay

Joni Lay from the blog Lay Baby Lay joins me for Episode 22. I bet if you go to your Pinterest boards, you will find images from her blog. Her images are all over my Inspiration boards. It wasn't until after we had become friends, that I realized how amazingly talented she is. 

She is married to Chip and is a mom of 3 young girls. I loved hearing her advice about how to create a joy-filled home. We talk about design, working while being a mom, and challenges in motherhood. We have a special guest with us on the show--her youngest daughter, Ellie. You will hear her coo throughout the show. So be warned of her cuteness. Your heart will flutter.

Links mentioned: 

Survival Kit:

  • Harry Potter - comfort reading
  • Wearing pants that zip
  • Showering at night

Connect with Joni: Website // Instagram // Twitter // Facebook // Pinterest

Joni is seriously one of the kindest, most content and joyful women I know. She has learned the secret of finding joy in the moment. And not only does that come through relationally but it comes out in her home, too. There were two things that I really resonated with that she talked. One is that no matter what stage of life you are in, you can and will continue to grow as a creative. You don't have to do everything right now. You have time. Just do what you can right now for this season. I think that advice is very freeing. And secondly, I love her advice for your home. What story do you want your home to tell? Maybe we should each find a few minutes to think about that. Let that answer direct how you create spaces.

If you haven't already jumped over to laybabylay, you should! You will definitely see some eye candy. Joni is so sweet and we are going to be doing a giveaway this week over on Instagram. So be sure to come follow me @sarahwbragg so that you can find the details for that. You don't want to miss it!

Lastly, I'm booking speaking engagements for fall 2016 so if you have an event and you would like for me to come, just fill out the contact form. Thank you so much for listening and sharing the show!! I look forward to being apart of your week. And I hope that this show helps you survive a little easier.